Engaged Citizens. Innovative Ideas.

Crowdsourced Conversations Resource Pages

FutureHeights & Friends are bringing you a conversation-based forum series that brings Heights residents together to talk about topics that matter to us all.

2024 Crowdsourced Conversations Resource Pages:

  • Visit the Active Transportation – Living Less Car-Centric in the Heights Resource Page here.
  • Visit the Turning the Noble Neighborhood & Business District Into a Destination Resource Page here.

2023 Crowdsourced Conversations Resource Pages:

  • Visit the Our Public Schools Resource Page here.
  • Visit the Traveling Around Town Resource Page here.
  • Visit the Building Community with Renters and Landlords Page here.
  • Visit the Planning and Development in the Heights Page here.

2022 Crowdsourced Conversations Resource Pages:

  • Visit the Sustainability Resource Page here.
  • Visit the Housing & Neighborhood Preservation Resource Page here.
  • Visit the Community Safety Resource Page here.
  • Visit the Civic Engagement Resource Page here.


Crowdsourced Conversations is a Forum Series Curated by the People for the People.


Crowdsourced Conversations begins with a community-wide survey on a specified topic.  The data collected is turned into a report and also used to help create small group discussion questions for a forum where residents can gather to determine action steps (small, medium, or large) that they can take to feel meaningfully engaged in this topic they care about.  After the event is over, FutureHeights generates a resource page and event attendees are given the opportunity to stay connected to their groups and continue the conversation.

Learn more about Crowdsourced Conversations here.

Any questions, connect with Sarah – swolf@futureheights.org.